Speaker on innovation

Anticipate change to transform it into opportunity

Practitioner, Speaker, Enthusiast

Entrepreneur and investor, I am passionate about innovation and the changes it brings to business. I give talks on the impact of technologies on our lives, to help audiences anticipate on major disruptions.

40 conferences given each year in Europe and around the world, in French and English


100% tailor-made talks, each event is different, each presentation should be too


0% jargon, technophile blindness, or fear of change

Tell me about your event

Please use the form below or email laurent@200ideas.com.
ℹ️ You can also directly book a 30m call here.

A digital technologies entrepreneur since the mid-1990s, I founded the Lift conference series and the digital agency 200ideas. Investor in twenty startups, I am involved in industries as diverse as retail, finance and web 3.0.

Insatiably curious, addicted to unexpected encounters and new experiences, I have hosted TV and radio shows and written a series on the history of innovation broadcasted on Arte and SSR. You may also sometimes find me on the stage of a well known French-speaking comedy festival. 


“Laurent decodes our time beyond the hype and fashions, he helps us understand in which world we will be evolving in the years to come.”

Cyril Lamblard
Global head of ebusiness, Nespresso

“Laurent has an excellent understanding of digital, a humble and critical outlook, and an ability to tell stories that engage all team members in a very powerful moment.”

Anne Lesueur-Neidhardt

International Digital Transformation Director, L'occitane

“Laurent is a remarkable speaker, capable of capturing the attention of his audience while making the most complex technological phenomena accessible.”

Yves Daccord

Executive Chairman, Edgelands Institute


Please use the form below or email laurent@200ideas.com.